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Bus travel

The cheapest and safest way to travel to Novalja/ Zrce Beach.

Bus trips to Novalja/ Zrce Beach

The bus only stops at traffic-favorable positions to keep the journey as short as possible. The journey times are adjusted to favorable traffic situations and ferry running times. The bus ride ends at the check-in point in Novalja, where you can get your festival tickets and tickets for other booked services. You may also get further information about Novalja and buy more upgrades for your stay.

The departure places are grouped into Germany and Austria.

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Bus timetable/departure places

The following table summarizes departure and arrival times of all bus lines. The tables are sorted by departure time and route.

Getting there

Place Bus stop Departure
Stuttgart Flughafen SAB Busterminal Google Maps Fr. ca. 19:00h
Ulm Fernbus HaltestelleGoogle Maps Fr. ca. 20:00h
München Busterminal Fröttmaning Stop 25 (Allianz Arena) Google Maps Fr. ca. 22:00h
Salzburg Shell Tankstelle Alpenstraße 2, 5081 Anif Google Maps Fr. ca. 23:45h

Please note: Departure times may change at short notice by approx. 1 hour. In this case, you will receive the information by e-mail a few days before departure.

Ride back

The ride from Novalja Back Home starts at the parking space next to Hotel Kaneo the following Saturday between 19:00 - 21:00.

Planned rides and dates

28.05. - 01.06.2025
05.06. - 09.06.2025
17.06. - 21.06.2025


Short video clip: how to book a bus journey (in German)

Railroad report

Departure places in Germany and Austria

The bus journey starts at 6 pm in the south of Stuttgart at the Stuttgart-Airport-Busterminal SAB. Due to many years of experience in travels to Croatia, we made the conscious decision to not drive into city centers. In Ulm, a motorway station in the north of the city is the next stop. The journey then continues to Augsburg, where more people go on the bus to Croatia. After Augsburg, we stop in Munich at the Allianz Arena. The last stop in Germany is Rosenheim, Autobahnrasthof Samerberg at around 11 pm.

Journey through Austria, Slovenia and Croatia

From now on, the bus goes straight to Novalja. The experienced bus drivers know the route very well. They always take the fastest way for the guests to arrive at the famous Zrce Beach. All buses have 2 drivers so they can alternate to keep the journey as short as possible. In the morning, after some hours of sleep, you already arrive at the Moon and Rocks Hostel in Novalja. There is also the check-in point where you will get all your festival tickets and more information on your holiday.
At the end of your stay in Novalja/Zrce Beach, the Moon&Rocks Hostel is also the place of departure.

Bus stops to Novalja